Tuomari George Kostopoulos, Kreikka

Hava, Hookoplan Havanna AVO ERI2
Vattis, Hookoplan Harmattan VAL ERI1 SA PN1 CACIB ROP RYP3

Havan arvostelu: "Well bodied and propotioned. Presenting pleasing outline. Head slightly strong in scull. Good enough ears. Graceful neck. Correct topline and croup. Well angulated rear with broad thights and low hocks. Strong bones and pasterns. A bit straight shoulders and short in upperarm, which affects head carriage during movement."

Vattiksen arvostelu: "Worth of a champion. Good size. Combining elegancy, femininity, substance, balance and outline. Sound movement keeping her outline."

VSP Zelig Bottle Of Smoke ja ROP Hookoplan Harmattan (kuva: Eeva Tuohino)